2009年8月17日 星期一


dis-placed (noun) , Thursday Aug. 6, 2009

1. the moving of something from its place or position
2. the removal of someone or something by someone or something else that takes their place
3. the enforced departure of people from their homes, typically because of war, persecution, or natural disaster
4. the amount by which a thing is moved from its normally position.
Studioplex 143 is pleased to present dis-placed.

A one night show, where emerging international and local artists explore the interplay of space with experimental installations. This show reveals personal concerns about the space and the human relation to it. Explorations include industrial design, anatomical structures, chemical reactions, spiritual inquiry and “socialarchies”. Artists participating in the show include: Yi Hsin Tzeng, Carmen Martinez, Johana Moscoso, Tiffany Sinnott, Jordon Hersey, Alex Hamilton, Morgan Alexander, Courtney Cottrell The show will take place Thursday Aug. 6, 2009, from 7-10p at Studioplex 143.