2011年2月28日 星期一

Residency in Auckland 3

I like New Zealand style Joke...

Compared with American humor, I understand New Zealand ones more.

Residency in Auckland 2

Auckland is a super China Town!

Goodwill? the thrift shop in the States? Nope....


South Asian!


Taiwanese! (This name is completely the same as the Wholesale store in Taipei when I was little.)

Why are Internet Cafe always run by Chinese people?


Asian element is around every corner of Auckland....
Being an artist, who lives in Taipei and New York, my perception toward Auckland is very funny. I have so many comparisons and shifts between these three culture (Auckland<--->New York<--->Taipei) Personally, I feel Kiwi people is more similar with Taiwanese people. They don't say "How are you?" "Bless you!" "Have a good day" or "Smiling at everyone" all the time but they are nice, they do help people when we ask for help. In New York City, I only feel the Chinese vibe when I am in China town, ; however, I feel it everywhere when I am in Auckland city. Actually, it is more mixed...more Fusion Asia.

Honestly, I feel more comfortable, being an Asian or a foreigner in Auckland. People here don't look at me, like I are crazy or alien; people here understand my English more; they don't honk or curse so much. Asian people mix with other races, much more even than the States. There are about 20% of Asian population in Auckland; around 12% in New York City. After a little bite research, I found out that Austronesian-speaking people (the ancestry of Moari) left Taiwan about 5000 years ago. Besides, lots of Taiwanese migrated Auckland in the 1990s, which contributes partial Polynesian culture here. No wonder I felt a powerful bond between Moari people and Taiwan's indigenous people:)

P.S. However, this is just one-week observation from an innocent person. I may change my opinion later. Most important of all, I don't try to say which one is better.

2011年2月21日 星期一

Residency in Auckland 1

I start my another residency TODAY. Honestly, this is my first time visiting southern hemisphere. This, "Artist in Residence Program," is under Department of Design and Visual Arts at Unitec (Institute of Technology), Auckland, New Zealand. So, I am very glad that I can get back my campus life again. I guess I need to learn some Maori language.

Besides, the residency is made possible by Asian New Zealand Foundation and Taipei Artist Village. Thank you so much!!

SCOPE New York, March 2-6

Please welcome to check my work! You will see some of my "Presidents" and "Pretty Girls" in New York City!!