2010年5月16日 星期日

Yellow Mask

First Performing Piece!

I try to put on my "painting," and then interact with audience. I finished this monster-like yellow mask, when I had my residenct in Vermont Studio Center in March, 2010. The secure environment offers me a valuable chance to push my work into public space. Meanwhile, I also provide all kinds of "Free Service," for example, cleaning, washing dishes, dumping trash, etc. If you need any free service, please email: yihsintzeng@yihsintzeng.com.

Open Studios Patio Party!

Welcome to Studio # 10. This is my first Open Studio at Atlanta Contemporary Art Center. you will see my new installation, performance, and the latest magazine: Choc in person!

2010年5月15日 星期六

Recently, I finished two new piece for
"My Hero Series." It is very strange. After coming to the States, I started to have strong interest in our President, Chiang Kai-shek. However, he is not really our President. In Taiwan, some people hate him very much; some people admire him also very much. One the one hand, the complicated history of Taiwan resulted in his controversial character; on the other hand, he is the person who caused our controversial history. If you want, you can find more information here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiang_Kai-shek. I ate and collected bubble gum for almost one month in order to create a new face for My Dear Hero!